Author: admin

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Cardi B Disappoints Fans

Fans of the talentless ‘Porn-rapper’ Cardi B were disappointed to hear that their favorite triple-X superstar is canceling her “I… read more Cardi B Disappoints Fans

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Won’t Eat Dry Food, So They Can’t Lose Weight

“He won’t eat plain dry food.” “When I left her food dry, she went almost two days without eating. You… read more Won’t Eat Dry Food, So They Can’t Lose Weight

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Trump Ends The Race For Biden

[REUTERS:US Mar. 25] Trump destroys Biden summarily by choosing Dem/Libertarian prospect Bernie Sanders as running-mate for 2024. 

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She’s Just Unreal

Like a movie, my life now….This 'regular guy' gets financially and emotionally banged-up down through this life, and finally ends… read more She’s Just Unreal

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Alternative music seems to be quite a large genre

Apparently, alternative music is whatever music that’s not being listened to by “most of the high school students“ and most… read more Alternative music seems to be quite a large genre

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Having what you need versus having what you want

Life is so good when you get what you need. I suppose “need” differs for everybody. Money has never been… read more Having what you need versus having what you want

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Fantastic book by Susan Albers

So much more comprehensive and useful than I thought. 

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Three easy ways to identify a sociopath or a narcissist

It’s unfortunate that the word sociopath sounds so much like psychopath. Because they’re not even hardly the same. Our community… read more Three easy ways to identify a sociopath or a narcissist

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Create an Email Filter for Blocking Someone You Loathe

With the words: I, he, she, it, we, they, their, me, my, mine, you, your, yours, and, an, get, have,… read more Create an Email Filter for Blocking Someone You Loathe

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Nelkon Plus Pressure Cooker